The Sweet Spot Boutique

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Vibrators for all your hidden desires discreetly shipped within 24 hours.


Our range of vibrators feature something for everybody, from clitoral stimulation to g-spot stimulation or both with our rabbit vibrator range. From hand operated to hands free remote control vibrators, whatever the method of pleasure you find most satisfying we can help. We recommend going to the type of vibrator range that gives you the most pleasure and pick the one that wakes your sexual side when you look at it.

Lelo  Antibacterial Toy Cleaner

Lelo Antibacterial Toy Cleaner

$ 16.00

$ 10.00

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Lelo's antibacterial spray is perfect to use to keep your toys clean, ready for your next time. Contains active anti-microbial ingredients proven to kill 99.9% of germs, anti viral and anti fungal properties within a ph balanced formula. The addition of zinc salts reduces any chance of irritation and is a safe and effective choice for all your toy cleaning needs.

Comes in a fabulous 60ml bottle that will look quite at home with all your other toiletry products. A great product of high quality in keeping with what the Lelo range is famous for.

Suitable for use with silicone, rubber and latex toys.

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