The Sweet Spot Boutique

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Vibrators for all your hidden desires discreetly shipped within 24 hours.


Our range of vibrators feature something for everybody, from clitoral stimulation to g-spot stimulation or both with our rabbit vibrator range. From hand operated to hands free remote control vibrators, whatever the method of pleasure you find most satisfying we can help. We recommend going to the type of vibrator range that gives you the most pleasure and pick the one that wakes your sexual side when you look at it.

Real Live Nude Girl by Dr Carol Queen

Real Live Nude Girl by Dr Carol Queen

$ 14.95

$ 15.00

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Hop on the express train to sexual enlightenment with sex educator,  Dr Carol Queen.

Whether writing about the joys of being spanked into horizontal bliss, performing in a red light district peep show, partaking of the new pleasures of safe sex clubs or lobbying for the pro pornography platform. Queen is an enthusiastic advocate for sexual pleasure.

Dr Carol Queen has been featured in Elle and Vogue.

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