The Sweet Spot Boutique

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BDSM= Bondage, Domination, Submission, Masochism. A long title that really means dont love me tender!


BDSM is as captivating as it is misunderstood. Not all of our customers immediately grasp what floggers and wrist restraints are doing in an online store filled with candy coloured vibrators...but it seems as if everyone is curious. Soft and sensuous feels wonderful but some people prefer sex with an edge. This stems not from animosity but from pure desire. We have hand selected mild through to super edgy toys for your BDSM adventure.

Consensual Sadomasochism by Henkin and Holiday

Consensual Sadomasochism by Henkin and Holiday

$ 22.95

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Easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to understand.

In this book the authors define and demystify the unique language of consensual sadomasochism. They examine the psychological power of erotic dominance and submission and provide a carefully considered guide for safe SM play.

SM can be an activity of intense intimacy and sophisticated erotic theatre, as well as one of simple sexual pleasure.
Combining their extensive professional credentials with deep personal experience, the result is an original introduction to a widely misunderstood realm of human sexuality.

Great for beginners or people wanting to keep afresh of the scene, this book helps discuss how to talk about it and how to do it safely.

ISBN: 1881943127